I'm back! Took a couple weeks off from the gym but managed to do something every day (even Xmas & New Years Day) in the form of jogging, walking or just staying active during the day. SO I feel as if I've had a break but not really if you know what I mean. If I didnt do anyhting I would feel like a total slob by now. Even though I indulged in dessert a few times I feel as if I restrained myself enough that I havent gone backwards. I have heaps of short-term goals for this year - the first one is 29th January (the day I start work) I have to be three kilos lighter by then. The other goal dates are all in April and May, I have a wedding I want to be trim for and I told myself I wouldnt go to Phat Camp this year unless I was thinner than last years camp. Unfortunately I am about 4 kilos heavier than last year so I'd better get cracking. Also, I want to go to the Fitness Expo in Sydney and I think my brother is thinking of a May wedding so I have to be absolutely hot by then! So, they are all my vain body related goals but I have others which are important too. I want to learn how to swim (bad experience when I was a child - dont ask), I want to be home more with my family rather than working at nights (probably not gonna happen), I want to keep my house clean, tidy & organised (definately not gonna happen) and I better start looking into having another child partly because my mother has been on my back but also because I am getting a bit clucky lately - I see babies and crave to have another one of my own. My daughter would love it too - she adores playing mum to her own baby dolls, she's so cute. What else? Cant think of the other ones now but I have written them all down.
We are off to queensland in a couple weeks and I have a lot planned in the way of exercise - I love going there because the gym is great, the beach is fantastic and the shopping is brilliant! Everyone thinks I'm crazy "you should be relaxing on your holiday" - no, not me, its just go, go, go. I get so motivated by going there, last year I hit the gym every morning at 6am, walked in the sand and was really active - it was so much fun. I've already had my two weeks off the gym so I plan to be right into it by then. I refuse to hire a car or get in a cab - everything is within 30mins walk so its just lazy to drive. I have to think of my goals and not let anything or anyone get in my way. At a recent barbecue, my sister made a smart comment about my plate being only rabbit food - in reality it was meat and other stuff underneath and heaps of salad piled on top. I tried to tell her but she wasnt listening. My mum also told me what she said about me being on the road to anorexia - what the?!?!?!??? Anyone who's seen me knows I'm a looooong looong way from being anorexic - I'm at least 10kilos overweight but I guess next to all my family I look small because they are all obese. I try not to talk about diet or exercise near her coz she will just say I'm obsessed but I guess she's probably a tad jealous because she was always the skinny one.
Anyway, I dont care about other people - I should be focusing on myself now. I had a good workout today and I plan to eat well - oh, I almost forgot! Its my anniversary today - seven years of marriage - its gone soooo fast! Dont know if we'll go out somewhere, usually we dont buy each other gifts, we just go shopping (our favorite hobby) and buy whatever we want. Did I mention my husband is like women when it comes to shopping - he loves it more than me!
Oh, well, that was a long post but better get back to work now. Will post again soon!