Friday, January 05, 2007

I have been working out like a demon the past few days! I have read the book I bought - Alwyn Cosgrove's "Afterburn" and its fantastic - no crap and just straight to the point. I am trying out his method of training and I've gotta say its bloody hard. Afterwards I just lay in a pool of sweat and try to recover and get my breath back - its not for the faint hearted that's for sure. I am sore all over but I feel great - and alive again. I'm pretty sure I will get to my goal in no time if I stick to this program. But that's my problem - sticking to a program. I've started many times before only to fall in a heap a few weeks in. Diet is the main problem. Well, no point going on about it, just move forward and think of the goals I've set. Even though I am going on holiday in a week I will still do the training as set out and I wont have my own food but I'll stay as close as possible to the plan in the book. Did I mention that my mum was coming too for a few days? Did I also mention that she has the worlds worst diet? Her daily intake consists of coffee for breakfast, and dinner around 5pm in which she gorges on whatever she can find. If her food's not drenched in oil and salt its not edible to her. Great, isnt it? (Now I know why I ended up a heifer by the time I was 16) But I warned her, if she tries to sabotage me or tempt me she's straight back on a plane to Melbourne. She assured me she will try and eat whatever I'm eating coz she wants to lose weight too but I'm not so sure. We'll see...


At 10:52 PM, Blogger Kek said...

TAG! No, we're not playing tag, you've been tagged. Check my blog for details. :)


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