I'm not getting on here much lately, am I?? Its not just here - I havent had time to even turn on the computer lately, let alone write posts! I guess its because I'm in front of the computer all day at work and the last thing you want to do is come home and sit in front of the computer some more. My eyes need a break! I check my emails from work so I dont miss anything important.
I'm settling in there quite well I think. The only thing that bothers me is that I have to miss out on the Tuesday morning Step class (I think I've complained about this before but its really bugging me!) I went to Body Attack on Monday -It was great! I did Body pump after it too - I thought I'm here I might as well squeeze in as many classes as I can! I have been walking/jogging and doing RT at home so I havent been there in quite a while! Its crap that they only have two Step classes a week and both of them are during work hours. Maybe I need to look for a place that does them at a time that suits me.
Last night I had a huge craving for a juicy hamburger so I decided to make my own healthy version. I was so looking forward to it while buying the lean mince, lettuce/tomato/cheese and wholemeal grainy roll. But when I got home and took one whiff of the raw meat I felt like throwing the lot in the bin! The family was hungry though so I screwed up my nose and pursed my lips so I wouldnt smell it and continued with preparing the meal even though it was torture ( I still had to breathe somehow!) I love my George Foreman grill - I just hate cleaning it though. SO we sat down and I ate the whole burger surprisingly - I must have been hungry.
Then later on in the evening I watched the Anita Cobby murder on TV. I remember reading the book when I was younger but hearing the story this time round really affected me. I was bawling ( maybe hormones I dont know) but it was a tragic tragic story. It just makes you think that anytime out of nowhere you can lose someone close to you. Its just a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I fell asleep thinking depressing thoughts but when I woke up I remembered my dream had been about the Justin Timberlake concert - go figure!! WHich reminds me, I better go check when the tickets go on sale - cant miss out on seeing that hot bod up close!!
LOL about the raw meat reminds me of both my pregnancies with POD and MOE.
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