Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm pleased with myself today. I got so much accomplished. I went to work No. 1, came home in time for a client session, managed to visit the accountant and he finished my tax return. The main thing was that I was offered a job. I went for an interview last week (my first one since starting to look for work) and whaddya know - I got it! Its nothing to do with personal training but something to do in the meantime as my other job is only two days a week at the moment. So this one will be three days a week. And I start on Monday! So, that was my day. The only thing I didnt do was any exercise - oh well there's always tomorrow.
I've also got some other news but I think I'll wait for more confirmation before I reveal it. Its also the reason why I havent been blogging as much lately. You'll have to wait a bit longer for that one. Maybe next week or the week after...

Monday, July 16, 2007

I just stumbled across my blog again! I'd almost forgotten I had one! NO, only kidding. I just havent been on the net as much recently. Dont know why as I've apparently got more time on my hands from not working evenings. Strange, but the time just flies by when you spend it with family instead of at work where it drags and drags.

Anyway, just got home from the gym where I did Body Attack and upper body weights. I've just had some natural yoghurt and an apple and I'm thinking of what to make for tonight's dinner. Something different I think....usually its just the same meals over and over again.

I forgot to mention I've been looking for a part-time job to do during the day maybe a couple days a week. Went to an interview on Friday so hopefully something good comes of that. I'm a bit limited as I still work at my brother's and train a client a couple sessions a week at home. That's the best, I put my dinner on to cook, she comes over, I train her in my garage gym and she leaves and my dinner is cooked!! No travel, no worrying about babysitters, nothing!! Yay, I love it. A couple other (ex-studio) people wanted to train here too but I had to limit it as I still have other work to do and they can only come at night. Kristin is really good. She knows that she has to stay inside during that time and not bother Mummy. I put on Nick Jnr and she does her own thing - she's great.

The other day, she was reciting the planets for me (I was actually quite surprised as I didnt know they taught that stuff at Kinder) and she starts "Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Uranus, Africa" I burst into uncontrollable laughter and almost had tears running down my face when she looked at me all proud. Ahh, kids!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Whats new?? Well, I've been trying to be a lady of leisure but life has been getting in the way. I thought if I wasnt working anymore I'd have heaps of spare time. I was wrong. I've been at the other work all week trying to get everything sorted like all the PAYG summaries that I had to do for End of Financial Year. Then I had a couple of client sessions to do at home, my own gym sessions, a meeting about possible work in the future, doctors appointments and BAAAAAM! the week has gone! I havent really been feeling all that well either so at the moment I'm feeling quite drained. My plan for tonight is to sit in front of the TV and watch the footy and thats it! No phone and no doorbell....hopefully.