You can probably tell by the above picture that I'm sick. I've got gastro according to the doctor and she cant give me anything for it because of the baby. I've lost about 2.5kg in less than a day from all the vomiting and toilet trips - not a good way to lose weight!! I had to leave work early yesterday and I must have left just in time because as soon as I got home I threw up the only thing I had eaten all day which was a banana. Gross! I had some toast and chamomile tea in the evening and that came out the wrong way too. Now I'm too scared to eat anything because I hate vomiting - its the worst sensation. Lucky my trusty mum has made me some delicious chicken soup and I'm hoping it goes down and STAYS DOWN!
Sorry to hear your sick Liz (I just found a link to your site again as I lost it when I changed my blog template). I hope you feel better soon.
Congratulations on your pregnancy. You must be so happy...
Feel better Liz :) (((Liz)))
The other Liz :)
Ugh. That sucks! Hope you're already on the mend.
This is such a wonderful useful resource that you are providing and you give it absent free of charge. I love seeing web sites that understand the value of providing a quality useful resource for free. It's the old what goes around comes around program.
Concrete Slab
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