liz's blog
Friday, December 22, 2006
I am absolutely melting here at the moment. I'm stuck in a tiny office with no windows and therefore no ventilation. The air is really thick and its bloody hot!!!! Couldnt sleep last night - it didnt get below 27C in Melbourne - at night, can u believe it! It was the hottest December night on record.
Didnt go to the gym today but I will definately be very careful with what goes in my mouth. Have done a few more runs with my ipod/nike thingy. The last one was yesterday (in the 35C heat - was I crazy?) and the bloody thing ran out of battery when I was 3.5kms from home. I have real trouble jogging with no music so I jogged another 1km or thereabouts and I couldnt take it anymore so I started walking. Why is that I wonder?? I think I get bored easily. Anyway at least I went in the first place.
Yesterday was my last day at the studio - we re-open on the 29th Jan so a whole month off from that. Yippee! Sometimes you just need a break. Although I still have to work at the office/shop all the way through apart from when I go to QLD for 9 days. Plus a client from the studio will be doing a couple sessions with me during Jan so I will definately not be lazing about.
Speaking of QLD, am thinking of taking my mum up there for a few days so she can babysit, oh and so she can have a holiday. Is that mean? Sometimes you just want to stay out after 9pm and we cant be dragging the poor baby everywhere so I think three days will do it.
Anyway, I have to really focus on my goal for when I go back to the studio - I want there to be a big difference ie. about 4 kilos. I dont know what happened this year but I put on 4 kilos during the year and I definately want it gone by the time I go back. Well, actually I do know what happened - I ate crap. Oh well, I'm hoping to really do well in QLD I will be watching what I eat and training everyday plus heaps of walking everywhere. Last year when we went, I used the hotel gym (which was really big and nice) every morning at 6am. I was really good.
Anyway, I have to get through Xmas and New Years first. Instead of making a cake this year, I think I will make protein cookies but roll them into balls so they look like those coconut ball thingys - no-one will know the difference! That way, my sweet cravings can be managed easier. Tadaa! I'm a genius!
Must go now. Have a great Xmas everybody!
Friday, December 15, 2006
I am a bit down today :(
I didnt realise your ipod/nike thingy had to be calibrated first! You have to walk/jog a known distance eg. 1km on the treadmill so it can adjust to your stride and everything. Oh well, I got a bit ahead of myself, didnt I? So the 10.19km I thought I did on Wednesday in 47.40mins was probably waaaaaaaaaaaay less - I knew I wasnt that bloody fast! Oh well, at least I was in a good mood for a day. I did a 5km at the gym this morning and it took me (dont fall off your chair laughing) 34mins :( I'm way too embarrassed to tell people but its too late now - yes, I'm a complete fool! Well, at least I know I have to work on my speed now. **Walks off feeling sorry for herself**
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Just got the funniest picture emailed to me - I couldnt stop laughing! My friend included a message that implied that this is what my hubby does to put my daughter in time-out - she is such a joker!
Cardio and diet has been good this week - havent done any weights though. This morning walked my baby to kinder and that was a good half hour and then went for a session with Kerryn in which we walked around the park which was also nearly an hour. Its good having someone to walk with and chat - I wish there was someone I could do that with near me. Everyone I know is a blob and their idea of exercise is strolling to the 7-eleven for a Mars Bar.
That Nike+Ipod thing is cool! Used it for the first time yesterday. Stats showed my jog was 10.19km and took exactly 47.40mins. It also said I burned 807 calories - I dont know about that, doesnt that seem a bit high?? Anyway, it was good to have some different music and the lady talking in my ear motivating me to go faster.
Off to the dentist now - boohoo! My tooth chipped last night so there goes any spare cash I had! Dentists are criminals in white coats! And then I have to go to work - hopefully I dont aggravate my injury by lifting too many bars. Nothing planned for the weekend - just housework and I have to finish wrapping the presents. Must remember to get car serviced too! Anyway, better go now - busy, busy!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Quick post about my weekend. Apart from the blistering 42 degree heat, had a good one. Did ALL my Christmas shopping which was good. You really dont realise how much you spend until you come home and add up all your receipts and go :0
Saw new James Bond movie Sat night - enjoyed it and was happy that I didnt succumb to the Choc Top calling my name (you know those things have a whopping 17 grams of fat!!) Instead, took my protein cookie along and was satisfied.
Had a bit of a nana nap in the afternoon yesterday and I awoke to find all the dishes washed and stacked in the rack. Discovered later that my three year old had pulled up a chair to the sink and "washed" the sink full of breakfast and lunch dishes which I kept putting off coz it was so hot. My little baby - I was so proud of her and she seemed so happy with herself. When she wandered off I had to rewash everything of course (there were crusty bits of oats still clinging to my breakfast bowl). But its the thought that counts, right?
Played netball last night (we lost as usual) but had a bit of a tumble and my back just didnt seem right afterwards. Woke up this morning with a really stiff and sore lower back so had to cancel my clients for today and had to skip my fave Body Attack class in the morning after which I usually do weights :( Oh well, crap happens. Hopefully I'll be right by tomorrow. Just finishing up work now - might go for a bit of a walk to loosen up a bit.
Oh, almost forgot. Bought myself a new ipod nano with the Nike Sport accessory - cool. Does all sorts of good things like tell you how far you've run, calories burned, plays a power song when you need that extra push to climb that hill and you can upload all your stats on to your computer and track your progress and previous times. Sounds cool but havent had a chance to open it yet. Anyway, better run (or hobble) - lots of things to do.
Friday, December 08, 2006
I'm back! Just been to the gym for my workout - some lookers there today! That made it a bit easier :) Yesterday had the market research thing - discovered I'm the queen of bulls**t! I had to pretend as if I liked the stuff (kraft cheese spread) BLEURGH! Its the equivalent of melted plastic! I managed to sell my Kylie tickets, unfortunately I cant go, its this Sunday :(
Some shopping planned for this weekend as I havent even started yet - I've left it a bit late havent I? I tried to go to the adidas 40% off sale last night in the city and was VERY DISAPPOINTED! They were not letting any people in the store as they didnt expect such a big turnout. How can you email vouchers out everywhere and not expect a big turnout???????? I'd just driven into the city for the second time in one day and I was pissed - especially since ALL the shops were closed - even Myer, David Jones, Melbourne Central, Rebel and everything else! I couldnt believe my eyes! Isnt it only two weeks till Xmas? Isnt it a Thursday night? How can all the shops in the city be closed at 7pm??????
Sorry, had to vent a bit. Diets been much better this week and managed to fit in all my training too. Anyway, better get back to work.
Thursday, December 07, 2006

This is a pic of the t-shirts I'm selling. Hope it works! They are $26.00 each including postage to anywhere in Australia. I have 3 sizes - S, M or L but they are quite stretchy so go smaller than you normally would. Just send me an email if you're interested
Be back later to post about my week, off to work now.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Am I CRAZY??? I've done the thousand steps twice in one week and after the second time which was yesterday I had a training session with Kerryn at the park in which we did (you guessed it!) more stepping!!! Amazingly, I'm not at all sore today which is strange so that's a shame - I was expecting that lovely feeling of knowing you worked hard but oh well. So guess what I did for my HIIT today?? 20mins on the stepper at the gym - man, that was hard. Cardio's been good this week and weights too. Food has been up and down but I've put my foot down and said enough is enough! Do I want this or not? Needless to say, I have been perfect today so lets hope it can last.
Work's been OK too but the other day I got an email from a 17 y.o. girl pleading for help and I quickly replied but I keep getting error messages sent back. I hope she doesnt think I'm ignoring her email because she seemed desperate for help. Hopefully she may read this and try and get in touch with me by phone or use a different email account to resend her message.
Oh well, nothing planned for the weekend, just the usual training sessions and netball. Food will be good - I promise!