Friday, December 08, 2006

I'm back! Just been to the gym for my workout - some lookers there today! That made it a bit easier :) Yesterday had the market research thing - discovered I'm the queen of bulls**t! I had to pretend as if I liked the stuff (kraft cheese spread) BLEURGH! Its the equivalent of melted plastic! I managed to sell my Kylie tickets, unfortunately I cant go, its this Sunday :(
Some shopping planned for this weekend as I havent even started yet - I've left it a bit late havent I? I tried to go to the adidas 40% off sale last night in the city and was VERY DISAPPOINTED! They were not letting any people in the store as they didnt expect such a big turnout. How can you email vouchers out everywhere and not expect a big turnout???????? I'd just driven into the city for the second time in one day and I was pissed - especially since ALL the shops were closed - even Myer, David Jones, Melbourne Central, Rebel and everything else! I couldnt believe my eyes! Isnt it only two weeks till Xmas? Isnt it a Thursday night? How can all the shops in the city be closed at 7pm??????
Sorry, had to vent a bit. Diets been much better this week and managed to fit in all my training too. Anyway, better get back to work.


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