Just got the funniest picture emailed to me - I couldnt stop laughing! My friend included a message that implied that this is what my hubby does to put my daughter in time-out - she is such a joker!
Cardio and diet has been good this week - havent done any weights though. This morning walked my baby to kinder and that was a good half hour and then went for a session with Kerryn in which we walked around the park which was also nearly an hour. Its good having someone to walk with and chat - I wish there was someone I could do that with near me. Everyone I know is a blob and their idea of exercise is strolling to the 7-eleven for a Mars Bar.
That Nike+Ipod thing is cool! Used it for the first time yesterday. Stats showed my jog was 10.19km and took exactly 47.40mins. It also said I burned 807 calories - I dont know about that, doesnt that seem a bit high?? Anyway, it was good to have some different music and the lady talking in my ear motivating me to go faster.
Off to the dentist now - boohoo! My tooth chipped last night so there goes any spare cash I had! Dentists are criminals in white coats! And then I have to go to work - hopefully I dont aggravate my injury by lifting too many bars. Nothing planned for the weekend - just housework and I have to finish wrapping the presents. Must remember to get car serviced too! Anyway, better go now - busy, busy!
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