I am really not well today. It hit me last night in bed - I couldnt sleep or breathe properly. I am so blocked up. LAst night when I went to work I felt fine but Ange (my boss) said I looked sick. I assured him I wasnt but he was adamant. This morning I sent him a text saying "I hate it when youre right". I had a new client yesterday who was really nice - I like it when I get along well with people. The worst thing is when there are awkward silences. SOme personalities just dont gel but I'm pretty lucky everyone likes me - I hope! I'm not going to the gym today, I just dont feel up to it. Yesterday I went for a jog outside for about 45mins and I felt OK afterwards but I cant bring myself to do anything today - apart from work which is unavoidable because its payday. If I dont do it there will be people banging down my doors! Apart from that I refuse to do anything else (including cook - they can fend for themselves tonight). I think there's leftovers anyway. I didnt even take my daughter to kinder today so I had to bring her with me. Luckily I thought ahead and brought some entertainment so I can get my work done. We just got an invitation for a wedding in September which will be at The INternational of Brighton. Very high class! For me anyway. It will be something to work towards and hopefully I can lose at least five kilos by then. And when my parents get back from overseas at the same time they will be surprised. NOthing planned for the weekend so I'll just veg out and try to recover for Monday.
liz's blog
Friday, July 28, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Today, I'm feeling a bit funny - not 100% but I still went to the gym in the morning and did legs and shoulders and 20 mins of HIIT on the treadmill. I really struggled at the end though and couldnt go as fast as I normally do. Afterwards I went to get IPL done (laser hair removal) coz I'm so sick of waxing. I tell you what - it hurt like hell! But after Monday's mole removals I can put up with anything. The bastard doctor butchered the crap out of my back and its still bleeding! Yesterday I was feeling it but I had a good moment at the gym when I went to the change rooms after finishing my step class and the instructor came in and told me that I was really fit! I was rapt! Now if I could just budge this fat from my hips/tummy/butt I would be really happy. You know - ever since I started this extra protein diet I havent lost any more weight. I lost the 35 kilos mainly from cutting out meat and other heavy foods like bread and pasta and just eating heaps of veggies and fruit and soups. I think I will try that out again just to see what happens. Tomorrow is my no gym day but I still do a 45 min jog outside. Hopefully it doesnt rain coz last time I got caught in the rain (sunday) I was wearing a white t-shirt which became very see through! I have a new client as well for tomorrow so hopefully that goes well. Diet good today.
Monday, July 24, 2006

My first time posting - let's hope it works. I will try and add a picture too if I can figure it out. As you can probably tell, technology isn't my greatest strength. Well, the week has started out OK. I went to the gym this morning and did a Body Attack class and some heavy weights (back & biceps). Diet has been OK today - no cheating apart from eating white bread instead of the usual wholemeal in my lunch. I doubt it will affect my caloric intake for the day but my body will miss the extra fibre. I need all I can get at the moment coz these iron supplements I'm taking are awful if you know what I mean. After work I have to go to the doctor to get a mole removed - that should be fun! Dont have to go to the studio tonight so will catch up on some housework. Oh well, better go - this filing ain't gonna do itself!