Oops! I had a run in with some chocolate yesterday - well, OK, a lot of chocolate! Somebody slap me. Well, at least I've well and truly got it out of my system now. That teaches me to put a ban on things - I just end up worse off.
I think it's the weather... freezing...dark...raining...gloomy...you're right though, never say never...just enjoy it and kick some butt in the gym! :-) Caroline
I am 29 years old and I have a four year old daughter. After I had my daughter I lost about 40 kilos and became addicted to exercise. I have just found out that I'm about to become a mother for the second time so this blog will be updated with details of how I go during the pregnancy and work and life in general!
Ah yes, the old "I tripped and fell into a pile of chocolate" story....
My favourite treat is Green & Black's organic choc...because it comes in a 35g bar. As a once or twice a week treat, it works for me. :)
I think it's the weather... freezing...dark...raining...gloomy...you're right though, never say never...just enjoy it and kick some butt in the gym! :-)
Must be PMS time, I have my Lindor balls out ;)
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