Its just occured to me that I have been really slacking off on my diet lately and I have been very lazy in keeping track of my P/C/F ratios. Its just disappointing that I already know these things and should be more aware of the traps considering I preach to others about them. I feel like a fraud. Sometimes, especially during cold weather, you just fall into the trap of eating too many carbs. Is it because they are comfort food? I have decided to monitor my intake and replace some carbs with a little more protein. Not all of them of course, I will still keep my earlier meals the same, just less unnecessary snacking (which is the probably the reason why lately I feel like a big bloated cow).
I did my workout today at the gym - doesnt it just make it a whole lot easier when there is some talent to look at?? Even though I'm happily married I'm still allowed to look but not touch, right? RIGHT???
ANyway, better get back to work:( Its not a good sign when you start to look for excuses you can use to get out of going. Hurry up spring and summer, I need you!
See?? It's not just me! Eating too many carbs and being generally sloppy on the nutrition front is all WINTER'S fault!
Let's all blow Winter a giant collective raspberry! 1, 2, 3: *BRRRRRRRRRTTTT!!*
I've been thinking, do you need a training partner once a fortnight or so? I could do with a kick in the butt.... Yes, me: Mrs 'I Train Alone'.
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