Friday, March 16, 2007

Whinge session

Yesterday I was asked by my boss how many sets/reps I had an overweight client doing. When I replied 3 sets of between 10-12 reps the look of horror on his face was priceless!! This is how it went:
Boss: How many reps you got her doing?
Me: Between 10-12, depending on which exercise and a lot of supersetting with cardio in between. I try and keep her heart rate up for the whole session.
Boss: WHAT? HOW MANY?? Why on earth would you have her doing THAT??
Me: Um, so she can build some muscle and strength so she can raise her metabolism and burn more calories.
Boss: No, no, no - not good. She is a big girl, you dont want her to bulk up. Make her do about 16 or 18.
Me: But she's not a beginner, she's been lifting weights for yonks!
Boss: Trust me, she'll put on weight.
Me: Uh, OK, whatever you say, you're the boss. (Secretly plotting how to make him think that I've taken his suggestions on board)

Is it just me or is this completely ridiculous? I've been lifting heavy for ages (3 sets of 8) and I havent turned into Arnie! Shouldn't he know that women dont "bulk up" that easily. Ok, I know she has a lot of weight to lose, but she is freakishly strong and it took me ages to build up to the weights that she's doing. Somebody tell me I'm right, pleease??


At 10:13 PM, Blogger Kek said...

Your boss is a tool. But I believe I have told you this before.

Strong girl or not, I wouldn't have her doing more than 12 rep sets. You already know my feelings on this whole I look bulky?

Hmm, let's see: Before weight training - couch potato, size 18 and flabby to the max. After weight training (in the 8-12 rep range) - fit, size 8, and a body so hard you could crack your skull on it. If you're into that kind of thing.

Smile politely and agree with the idiot. Then just do your own thing.

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I with Kek not stupid (your boss)
Could be the start of a new t-shirt craze :)

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Jodi said...

What is your boss's qualifications? Seriously I think he needs them updated!!!

Stick with what you'll do the right thing by her.


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