Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Needless to say, our mixed netball team has dissolved. A combination of bad umpiring and a draw instead of a win has made my teammates want to quit. I guess I will have to put my name down to play in another team as I quite enjoy it. The game ended in a tie 14-14. We should have won because the rules state that if a team doesnt have enough players to start then the other team receives 1 goal for each minute they are late. The quarter goes for 9 minutes and the other team did not come on until there was 3 minutes to go. We should have already had 6 goals on the board but they were lenient towards the other team and only awarded us 3 goals. This was not the breaking point - these two umpires in particular have something against our guys and when they talk back or question a call then they are unfairly picked on for the rest of the match. It doesnt happen with any other umpires. One of them told us to "shut the f**k up" - I thought that was out of line as even the other team agreed that there were a couple wrong calls. Oh well, I still would like to play as its a fun game and you get a workout without even realising.
ANyway, my hip flexors were quite sore yesterday from the hill training that we did on Sunday morning. 1 hour of hills was not my idea of fun but I got through it. The actual run is in four weeks and thankfully only has two hills (apparently) so that's OK. Still havent run the full 15km yet so I dont know how I'll go with that.
Food has been good over the past few weeks but still no drop in the scales. I have increased my dumbbell shoulder press to 3 sets of 8 at 10kg supersetted with forward raises and then a further 3 sets of 8 at 12.5kg supersetted with lateral raises. I have noticed a little difference in my arms but nothing's happenning with my bottom half. Other weights have been increased too. I havent done any HIIT lately because of all the distance runs, hopefully that hasnt affected it. I have set myself a four week goal because I would like to look better for my birthday - and 2 or 3 kilos off would help me significantly in the run (which unfortunately is the morning after my birthday). Doesnt look like there will be a night out for me this year. Didnt think to look at the date when I signed up. Duh! Another incentive is that I have two weddings (in the one weekend) in mid April. Have to work hard! Speaking of which, I better get moving!


At 7:52 PM, Blogger Kek said...

Don't forget to taper for your big run. You want to have plenty of go in those legs on the day!



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