Hooray for lat soreness!! I always have real trouble feeling sore in that area. It doesnt happen often but i've definately got it today!! I thought I'd get some triceps soreness too but it didnt happen. Its weird coz at the time my triceps were on fire and I thought I'd be sore for sure. Anyway, we went for a run round the Tan on Sunday morning. My god, there were so many people!! Dont people sleep in on Sundays?? It seems every runner and their dog (literally) in Melbourne were there. ANyway, weather was nice and at least I got to see it coz I've never been before. It was soooo green!!! The run 4 kids is on Sunday and to be honest, I'm feeling good about it (today, that is). Yesterday I was worried, the day before I was fine, you get the picture.... My hormones are raging (TTOM) and I always get up and down moods beforehand. I think I'll be OK but I keep having this recurring dream that I get to the finish line and everybody has packed up and gone home!! Just for fun, I input the figures into Calorie King and it said I would burn 1000 calories if I jogged non-stop for 100 minutes at about 9km an hour. Does that mean I can have 1000 calories worth of chocolatey treats afterwards?? Only kidding!! I can just picture your faces and the looks of horror!! Heehee.
As for work, tomorrow I have to take the circuit class (about 12 people) and I can pick my own exercises. They have to be hard of course!! They dont call me the Nazi for nothing! Beforehand I have to go and pick up a step platform I found cheap and also get to the hairdressers for that much needed colour retouch! My 4 year old said my hair was "yellow" the other day!! I hate to get it done before the circuit but I'm busy on Thursday and Friday. My birthday is actually on Saturday, but as I previously mentioned, I'm not about to go out on the town the night before the race!! I need my Zzzzzzzzzz's!! So we will have a quiet dinner with a few friends on Friday.
If anyone's wondering why I have a picture of the beutiful Beyonce Knowles, its because I am counting down the days until her concert (25th April). The last two were fantastic! She is such a good live singer and soooo pretty! 29 days to go!
Isn't great when you can feel your muscles. I love it! Thanks Liz for your tips, i'd forgotten about stirfrys and soups for dinner. Perfect. Stir frys are very healthy and i love snow peas. With the soup what type do you make? I think i've got a weight watchers recipe for vegie soup. I hope you feel back on top of things soon. It really sucks that we have so many highs and lows, but the highs do really make it all worth while. I just need to focus on the highs to get through....
Make sure you have just a few extra carb portions in the days before the run - your muscles will thank you for it.
Will there be sports drinks provided along the way? If not, you might want to consider taking some with you. 100 minutes is quite a while to be running.
The Nazi, eh? I love it :)
Liz ;)
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