Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Isnt it amazing how one comment from a stranger can make or break your whole week?
This morning after Body Step, I was refilling my water bottle when the instructor came up behind me and said "Can I just tell you that you're great - you work so hard in Step and in Body Attack" And I just said "Wow, that's really nice, thanks for the lovely compliment" We'd never spoken before and I didnt even think she had ever noticed me in a class full of women. Now, prior to this (for the last few weeks) I had been feeling down and stressed and generally moody but all of a sudden it seems I can take on the world and nothing seems as dire as before. Its weird how you can get yourself so down by letting your negative thoughts take over you head. I still have the same issues to deal with as before but now it just seems do-able.
Did I mention that last Thursday I did stiff leg deadlifts for the first time in a long time and my hammies are still sore? Is that weird or what? That's the longest for me ever. Usually I recover pretty quickly. Oh well, all's good. I've been doing a few different things this week - we tried group skipping on the weekend with the girls and it was sooooo much fun we didnt want to stop. Sunday night I got called in as an emergency for netball and I hadnt played in aaages so that was good. Monday morning I did my usual Attack class but for a change of scenery I did a Pump class afterwards. Triceps a bit sore from that. My friend Mary and I have decided to do a "Supermodel" challenge whereby at the end of 12 weeks of diet and training we miraculously (sp?) morph into supermodel bodies and supermodel looks. Kidding, but that's what we're calling it just for fun.
Meanwhile, I have just discovered how to navigate my way around the ATO website (thanks Kerryn) and need to do some more investigation regarding my work situation. So I'm off to bug the tax office people now...wish me luck!


At 5:34 PM, Blogger LizN said...

Yes it is amazing how just a few words can lift your spirits isn't it. Have fun during the Supermodel challenge :)


At 8:14 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog, it really made my day. It is nice to hear nice things every now and then. Thanks for explaing the 300 workout. It sounds like something i can do if i can't get to the gym so i'll have to try it out and I'll let you know how I go.

At 10:22 AM, Blogger ms_attitude said...

What a nice thing to have happen. It really does amaze you when that sort of thing happens out of the blue. You obviously deserve it! Good on you.


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