Friday, June 01, 2007

I think its about bloody time I updated! I've still been checking up on everybody but have been too lazy to post myself. Oh well, its not as if there's anything exciting to report anyway. Still been working and training and all the normal crap. Had a few dramas at work with the boss. He wants me to work there as a sub-contractor rather than an employee which is what I am now. I'm a bit wary though because I don't know if I'll be better off this way. I think the rent he's proposing to charge me is steep to say the least so I've been speaking to a few people to make sure the agreement is fair.
Anyway, enough about that. I've been doing all my resistance training in the form of "300 workouts" which are great. Yesterday I did a lower body one which included straight leg deadlifts and today I can barely move my hammies are so tight. Today I did the upper body equivalent and everything was like jelly afterwards. I'm really enjoying them. I'm also doing my usual Body Attack, the occasional run outside and using the spin bike at home for intervals. So cardio is pretty much taken care of.
Work has been busy and I've been doing extra shifts for my brother too. My Saturday sessions are still going strong and this week I am introducing something new for a bit of fun. A long rope for skipping like we used to in Primary School - you know, when two people turn the rope and the rest jump in the middle? Something different is always good.
Nothing planned as yet for the weekend but I'm sure we'll do something to get out and about.
Liz N tagged me so I'll play along even though its a bit late in the game.
7 facts about me.....
1. My husband was my first 'real' boyfriend. It seems like we've known each other forever and I sometimes joke about getting a 'trade-in'. LOL.
2. I hate cooking fish but I love eating it. I think its something to do with the smell and feel of raw fish.
3. I hate clutter around the house yet I don't have a problem with dust/dirt at all (well OK, to a certain extent). Although, if you came to my house you would be amazed at how messy it is.
4. I love travelling and going on airplanes but hate boats/ships.
5. I hate window shopping with a passion! If I am to go to the shops I have to buy something.
6. I have never won anything in my life (cash, prizes, titles, etc)
7. The only sweets I DON'T like are licorice all-sorts. They are absolutely vile!!
Well, that's it for me, pretty boring but whatever! I'm now off to pick up the baby and back home to whip up a three course meal for dinner. No, only kidding, it will just be leftovers.
Have a fun weekend!


At 8:53 PM, Blogger Kek said...

About time you updated! I was this close *holds up thumb and forefinger* to chasing you down.

Hmm, number 6 - if you've never won anything, that just means you haven't entered enough comptitions/lotteries/raffles/whatever.

I have to agree on number 7 though - licorice allsorts, BLAH!

CALL ME re the sub-contracting thing - the boss is just trying to save money. You probably need to talk to the ATO re personal services income to make sure you don't end up out in the cold at tax time. But talk to me first!

At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the fish. I feel the same about chicken if it is whole. Do your homework on the sub-contracting. I love the 300 workout, might try it tonight. Will have to be all upper body.

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

Welcome back Liz, I've been wondering how things were. Just wondering what is a 300 workout?



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